We already knew that Scotland has beautiful beaches, but did you know the country also has magnificent rock pools attached to them?We already knew that Scotland has beautiful beaches, but did you know the country also has magnificent rock pools attached to them?
We already knew that Scotland has beautiful beaches, but did you know the country also has magnificent rock pools attached to them? | Deirdre Spencer on Canva Pro

Best Scottish Beaches for Rock Pooling: 9 Gorgeous beaches in Scotland with rock pools

Summer is here and if you’re looking for fun outdoor activities for you and the kids then look no further than Scotland’s rock pools where you can find starfish, crabs and much more.

Previously, we’ve covered Scotland’s many exquisite natural wonders including our caves, glens, lochs, dolphin spots, the award winning Scottish Highlands and our beautiful white sand beaches which leads us to today’s instalment; rock pools.

If you are scientifically inclined and enjoy the intriguing marine biology of rock pools or simply want a fun outdoor activity for you and your kids to enjoy as we enter summer then you’ve won a watch in Scotland as there are many on offer here.

The Keep Scotland Beautiful organisation reports that “Barnacles, mussels, shore crabs, hermit crabs, shrimps, prawns, starfish, sand hoppers, whelks, razor shells can all be found in fairly sheltered, rocky seashores, whether they are gravelly or sandy.

Clearly, there’s lots to discover for any intrepid rock poolers out there young or old, so here are our top picks of nine rock pools in Scotland.

The Keep Scotland Beautiful organisation reports that “Barnacles, mussels, shore crabs, hermit crabs, shrimps, prawns, starfish, sand hoppers, whelks, razor shells can all be found in fairly sheltered, rocky seashores, whether they are gravelly or sandy.