It's not all doom and gloom in the world and these Scottish news stories from 2022 prove it.It's not all doom and gloom in the world and these Scottish news stories from 2022 prove it.
It's not all doom and gloom in the world and these Scottish news stories from 2022 prove it.

Good News in Scotland 2022 | 22 of the most wholesome Scottish news stories this year you should know

In the thick of ‘doom and gloom’ it is all too easily forgotten that beauty is always just around the corner as these Scottish news stories in 2022 remind us.

How was your 2022, Scotsman readers? Wonderful, good, bad… Horrendous? Regardless of where you sit emotionally on the topic, what’s for sure is that this year has been a chaotic one indeed.

From the death of Queen Elizabeth II, to navigating 3 prime ministers in one year on top of reports of energy crises and looming threats of war just as normality appeared to tiptoe back in following Covid-19, even the toughest amongst us can be affected by it all.

But what’s easily forgotten is that life goes on and life finds a way (no film reference intended) and we mustn’t lose sight of that amid any troubled times. That’s why we’ve assembled these 22 news stories from Scotland in 2022 that tell the tales of kindness, triumph, brevity and hope.

We hope you enjoy them as we approach Hogmanay and boldly enter 2023.

But what’s easily forgotten is that life goes on and life finds a way (no film reference intended) and we mustn’t lose sight of that amid any troubled times. That’s why we’ve assembled these 22 news stories from Scotland in 2022 that tell the tales of kindness, triumph, brevity and hope.