These 13 horror films will make you jump out of your skin. Cr. Netflix/ShudderThese 13 horror films will make you jump out of your skin. Cr. Netflix/Shudder
These 13 horror films will make you jump out of your skin. Cr. Netflix/Shudder | Netflix/Shudder

Best Horror Movies Of All Time: 13 of the scariest horror films ever - per ranking and jump scare count

Here are 13 horror films that are full of scares - but are still the most highly rated horrors to watch on Halloween.

It would not be a surprise if you are, such is the dedicated the horror film fan base has.

Sadly, over the past decade or two, too often horror directors have relied on films that are packed with jump scares but little else when it comes to plot, characters and storyline. So much so, jump scare horror films have been given a bad wrap recently as horror begins to switch its focus.

The truth is though, the jump can be a clever effect when it isn't used as the sole focus of a movie and which horror film fan doesn't love to occasionally jump out of their seat once in a while?

Want to watch a horror this Halloween that offers you everything you could want? Jump scares, plot line and all the trimmings? The good news is, using Where's The Jump and film review site Rotten Tomatoes, we've found 13 films absolutely packed with jump scares and - most importantly - a high rating from critics and fans alike.