Scotland’s Best Lochs: 17 Recommended Scottish lochs to visit while the sun is out

Scattered all over bonnie Scotland, lochs are known all over the world for their captivating beauty, romantic history and breathtaking wildlife.

Scotland is certainly at no deficit when it comes to natural beauty. The Highlands were crowned in National Geographic’s ‘Best of the World 2023’ list and award-winning waterfalls, glens and UNESCO heritage sites are just some examples of the natural beauty spoiling us for choice here.

Scottish weather can be unpredictable, but as we enjoy summer the sun is taunting us more and more, so while the going is good let’s get going and discover another one of Scotland’s marvels; lochs.

As it appears in Scottish Gaelic, a “loch” is the Scots equivalent of a “lake or sea inlet” and Scotland has over 30,000 of them according to Nature Scot. From the likes of Loch Lomond that inspired famous Scottish musicians to the intriguing Loch Ness which is near and dear to Scottish folklore enthusiasts, there’s a loch here for all.

Here are our top 17 picks of beautiful Scottish lochs that you should visit (especially while we enjoy the sunny weather!)

As it appears in Scottish Gaelic, a “loch” is the Scots equivalent of a “lake or sea inlet” and Scotland has over 30,000 of them according to Nature Scot. From the likes of Loch Lomond that inspired famous Scottish musicians to the intriguing Loch Ness which is near and dear to Scottish folklore enthusiasts, there’s a loch here for all.