Inverclyde, Falkirk and Dundee are among the Scottish council areas with the lowest average property prices in 2023, new data has found.
Inverclyde has been named as the cheapest council area in Scotland to buy a home with a median property price of £107,108, according to the annual property market report from the Registers of Scotland (RoS) – which records every property sale in the country.
Also ranked among the cheapest local authorities in Scotland to buy property are regions such as Falkirk and Renfrewshire as well as cities such as Dundee and Aberdeen.
On the other hand East Lothian has been named as the most expensive council area to buy property in Scotland, with a median property price of £283,227.
That is £176,119 more expensive than the median property price in Inverclyde.
Based on the median house price per council area from 2023, here are the 12 cheapest places to buy property in Scotland.

9. Renfrewshire — £145,000
Renfrewshire is home to towns including Paisley and Erskine, and it is among the cheapest Scottish council areas to purchase property with a median price of £145,000. | Petes Pix -

10. Falkirk — £153,507
Home to landmarks such as the Kelpies, the median cost of a home in the Falkirk Council region is £153,507. | moomusician -

11. Dumfries and Galloway — £155,000
In Dumfries and Galloway the median price of property is £150,000. | Jozef -

12. Na h-Eileanan Siar — £156,250
The final local authority area to be included among the cheapest council areas in Scotland to buy property is Na h-Eileanan Siar, the Outer Hebrides, which has a median property value of £156,250. | Lena -