There are a number of pubs up for sale in Scotland at the moment for prospective publicans.There are a number of pubs up for sale in Scotland at the moment for prospective publicans.
There are a number of pubs up for sale in Scotland at the moment for prospective publicans. | Google Maps

Scottish Pubs For Sale: Here are 10 bars in Scotland currently on the market - from Glasgow to Aberdeen

Owning a running a pub is a dream for many people - a dream that these properties could turn into a reality.

The last few years have not been easy for the hospitality industry - with the cost of living crisis and soaring energy bills coming shortly after pubs, restaurants and hotels had to close due to the global pandemic.

It's led to a string of closures, as publicans and landlords are no longer able to turn a profit.

Yet the thought of owning - or at least running - your own pub is still a positive prospect for many people.

If you are thinking about taking the plunge, here are 10 currently on the market in Scotland - from local boozers to swish country inns.