Comedian Paul O’Grady was one of Britain's most cherished performers (Photo by Stuart C. Wilson - WPA Pool/Getty Images)Comedian Paul O’Grady was one of Britain's most cherished performers (Photo by Stuart C. Wilson - WPA Pool/Getty Images)
Comedian Paul O’Grady was one of Britain's most cherished performers (Photo by Stuart C. Wilson - WPA Pool/Getty Images)

Remembering Paul O'Grady: 10 of the best and most interesting lines from comedian Paul O'Grady

TV host Paul O’Grady was one of Britain’s most loved comedians and was never short of a good catchphrase or a hilarious quote. Here are 10 of his best quotes on life, animals and work.

The death of much-loved comedian Paul O’Grady shocked the country when it was announced last month. One of the most iconic faces on British TV, the outpouring of love for him has been unprecedented as those who knew him best recall hilarious tales of the great man’s life.

Scotsman Obituaries: Paul O'Grady, entertainer who went from drag queen Lily Savage to national treasure

O’Grady was never short of a brilliant quote, a funny comeback or a hilarious one liner and also had a huge heart which was shown in his love for animals – particularly dogs, of which he re-homed many and was an ambassador for Battersea Dogs Home. He achieved notability in the London gay scene as drag queen Lily Savage and was quickly scooped up by broadcasters who noted his quick wit and abundance of talent. Some of his Lily Savage jokes and quotes were undeniably genius in their delivery.

His death on March 28 was a shock to many, with a generation of TV viewers viewing O’Grady as a staple of their evening viewing and he is sure to be missed by many.

Here are 10 of his best – and funniest – quotes ever.

O’Grady was never short of a brilliant quote, a funny comeback or a hilarious one liner and also had a huge heart which was shown in his love for animals – particularly dogs, of which he re-homed many and was an ambassador for Battersea Dogs Home. He achieved notability in the London gay scene as drag queen Lily Savage and was quickly scooped up by broadcasters who noted his quick wit and abundance of talent. Some of his Lily Savage jokes and quotes were undeniably genius in their delivery.