Alternate versions of the capital city of Scotland (Edinburgh) can be found all over the globe from Canada to the most remote regions of the South Atlantic.Alternate versions of the capital city of Scotland (Edinburgh) can be found all over the globe from Canada to the most remote regions of the South Atlantic.
Alternate versions of the capital city of Scotland (Edinburgh) can be found all over the globe from Canada to the most remote regions of the South Atlantic.

Edinburgh around the World: 12 Worldwide locations named after Scotland’s capital

Contrary to the Highlander rule of “there can only be one” many places named after Edinburgh exist even as far out as the remote South Atlantic.

Many locations are named after ‘Auld Reekie’ (Edinburgh in the Scots language) and as one of the world’s most unique cities with incredible heritage it is not surprising. By way of Scottish Gaelic you can find many Scottish place names in the United States which alone have multiple versions of Edinburgh.

Mispronounced place names are rife in Scotland due to our unique blend of historical languages, however even the famously mispronounced Edinburgh as “Edinboro” is apt in states like Pennsylvania where this is the authentic spelling.

The Scottish diaspora has certainly made its mark over the centuries which is why you can find many alternate versions of Edinburgh across the globe starting with these 12 examples.

The Scottish diaspora has certainly made its mark over the centuries which is why you can find many alternate versions of Edinburgh across the globe starting with these 12 examples.