Murrell has been arrested in a police investigation into the SNP’s finances.
There are 10 uniformed officers stationed outside the former first minister's home, alongside one police vehicle and an incident tent in the front garden.
Several police vehicles are parked outside and a blue police tent has been put up in the front garden.
Blue sheeting has also been put up to screen the house from view and a police cordon has been put in place around the property.
Meanwhile, two police officers were posted outside SNP HQ and there were other officers inside, with a number of vehicles outside.
Police Scotland advised caution around discussing the case on social media due to contempt of court rules.
The SNP released a statement saying: “Clearly it would not be appropriate to comment on any live police investigation but the SNP have been co-operating fully with this investigation and will continue to do so.

. Police outside the home of Peter Murrell and Nicola Sturgeon and at SNP HQ
There is police activity at the couple's home in Glasgow and at SNP headquarters in Edinburgh. Photo: PA

. Officers from Police Scotland stand beside by police tape and a police tent in Uddingston, Glasgow
Officers from Police Scotland stand beside by police tape and a police tent outside the home of former chief executive of the SNP Peter Murrell, in Uddingston, Glasgow, after he was arrested in connection with the ongoing investigation into the funding and finances of the party. Photo: Andrew Milligan

. Police Scotland vehicles beside by police tape and a police tent outside the home of former chief executive of the SNP Peter Murrell
Several police vehicles are parked outside the Glasgow home of Peter Murrell and Nicola Sturgeon, and a blue police tent has been put up in the front garden. Photo: Andrew Milligan

. Murrell was arrested in connection with the ongoing investigation into the funding and finances of the party.
Blue sheeting has also been put up to screen the house from view and a police cordon has been put in place around the property. Photo: Andrew Milligan

. Officers from Police Scotland entering the headquarters of the Scottish National Party in Edinburgh
Officers from Police Scotland entering the headquarters of the SNP in Edinburgh following the arrest of former chief executive Peter Murrell. Photo: Jane Barlow

. An officer from Police Scotland standing beside by police tape and a police tent
Police Scotland are conducting searches at a number of properties in connection with the ongoing investigation into the funding and finances of the party Photo: Andrew Milligan

1. Officers from Police Scotland stand beside by police tape and a police tent in Uddingston, Glasgow
Officers from Police Scotland stand beside by police tape and a police tent outside the home of former chief executive of the SNP Peter Murrell, in Uddingston, Glasgow, after he was arrested in connection with the ongoing investigation into the funding and finances of the party. Photo: Andrew Milligan

2. Police Scotland vehicles beside by police tape and a police tent outside the home of former chief executive of the SNP Peter Murrell
Several police vehicles are parked outside the Glasgow home of Peter Murrell and Nicola Sturgeon, and a blue police tent has been put up in the front garden. Photo: Andrew Milligan

3. Murrell was arrested in connection with the ongoing investigation into the funding and finances of the party.
Blue sheeting has also been put up to screen the house from view and a police cordon has been put in place around the property. Photo: Andrew Milligan

4. Officers from Police Scotland entering the headquarters of the Scottish National Party in Edinburgh
Officers from Police Scotland entering the headquarters of the SNP in Edinburgh following the arrest of former chief executive Peter Murrell. Photo: Jane Barlow