Boris Johnson Resignation RECAP: Johnson resignation speech | PM statement blames 'herd' | Leadership contest

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The Prime Minster has announced he will step down from office.

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Boris Johnson Latest News LIVE: Pressure falls on the Prime Minister to step aside as number of resignations rise

Key Events

  • Boris Johnson to resign, but remain caretaker until the autumn to allow a leadership contest.
  • He is due to give a statement to the country today.
  • Over 50 ministers have resigned over the last day after sexual assault allegations emerged involving the Deputy Chief Whip.
  • Foreign Secretary Liz Truss cutting short trip to G20 meeting in Indonesia - will make statement

“Of course its painful not to be able to see through so many ideas and projects myself.

“In politics, nobody is indespensible.”

“To that new leader, I say, I will give you as much support as I can.”

“I want you to know how sad I am to be giving up the best job in the world.

“But thems the breaks”

He then thanks his family and the civil service.

Booing and jeering in the background, along with some cheers.

Starting to sound rather like an Oscar speech - everyone getting a thank you.

Has repeated that he will continue to serve until the next Prime Minister is in place.

“Being Prime Minister is an education in itself.”

“I know that even if things can sometimes seem dark now, our future together is golden.”

He is now back in Downing Street and the lecturn is being taken away. It is done.

A lot to take away, and much analysis will take place over the next few days.

The main points are that he is reluctant to give up his job, and he expects to stay on until the autumn.



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