Ann Street in the centre of the capital took the top spot in the Bank of Scotland’s annual review.
A property in the street, which is well-known for its aesthetics and Georgian architecture, costs about £1.7 million on average.
In second place is Wester Coates Avenue in the west of Edinburgh with houses costing about £1,615,000, followed by Regent Terrance, near Calton Hill, where properties average more than £1.5 million.
Streets in North Berwick, Musselburgh and St Andrews featured among the 25 most expensive streets in Scotland.
The transactions data is sourced from the Registry of Scotland, and individual post codes with only post codes/streets where there have been at least five transactions since 2017 are included.
Graham Blair, mortgages director at Bank of Scotland, said: “Ann Street in the beautiful city of Edinburgh tops the most expensive list, setting wealthy buyers back almost £1.7 million on average.
“While not in the top 10 priciest, homes in St Andrews also don’t come cheap, with The Scores and Donaldson Crescent offering properties at over £1.1million on average.”

. streets.JPG
A Bank of Scotland study has revealed Scotland’s most expensive street Photo: Google Maps

. Ann Street, Edinburgh
Ann Street, Edinburgh. Average House Price 2017-2022 - £1,685,000 Photo: Google Maps

. Wester Coates Avenue, Edinburgh
Wester Coates Avenue, Edinburgh. Average House Price 2017-2022 - £1,615,000 Photo: Google Maps

. Regent Terrace, Edinburgh
Regent Terrace, Edinburgh, EH7, Average House Price £: 2017-2022 £1,529,000 Photo: Google Maps

. Danube Street, Edinburgh
Danube Street, Edinburgh. EH4. Average House Price: 2017-2022 £1,449,000 Photo: Google Maps

. Heriot Row, Edinburgh
Heriot Row, EH3, Edinburgh Average House Price 2017-2022 £1,331,000 Photo: Google Maps

. Wester Coates Gardens, Edinburgh
Wester Coates Gardens, Edinburgh, EH12. Average House Price £: 2017-2022 - £1,327,000 Photo: Google Maps

. St. Catherine’s Place, Edinburgh
St. Catherine’s Place, EH9. Average House Price 2017-2022 - £1,293,000 Photo: Google Maps

. Spylaw Bank Road, Edinburgh
Spylaw Bank Road, Edinburgh, EH13, Average House Price 2017-2022 - £1,288,000 Photo: Google Maps

5. Heriot Row, Edinburgh
Heriot Row, EH3, Edinburgh Average House Price 2017-2022 £1,331,000 Photo: Google Maps

6. Wester Coates Gardens, Edinburgh
Wester Coates Gardens, Edinburgh, EH12. Average House Price £: 2017-2022 - £1,327,000 Photo: Google Maps

7. St. Catherine’s Place, Edinburgh
St. Catherine’s Place, EH9. Average House Price 2017-2022 - £1,293,000 Photo: Google Maps

8. Spylaw Bank Road, Edinburgh
Spylaw Bank Road, Edinburgh, EH13, Average House Price 2017-2022 - £1,288,000 Photo: Google Maps