July is the first complete month of summer, with the breeding season finished for most animals in Scotland.
Many creatures are now bringing up their young, with important lessons in hunting and survival on the schedule for the long days.
Birds are encouraging their chicks to fledge – leaving the nest for the first time and trying out wings as yet untested.
And, as humans enter into their summer holiday season, they will be in closer contact with nature than at any other time – as camping trips, long walks and even trips to the park open up opportunities to see some of the birds, plants and animals we share our country with.
Here are 10 things to look out for in the natural world in July.
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9. A sea of red
While June is probably the best month in Scotland for wild flowers generally, the poppy is the king of the hedgerow in July. They create dramatic red streaks on the landscape around farmland and at the side of the road. Photo: Canva/Getty Images

10. Look out for flying tigers
Tiger moths are amongst the most colourful insects in Scotland - coming in a variety of different patterns of black, white, red and yellow. July is a month where many of them are on the wing - look out for them being attracted to light or settled on window ledges - including the Ruby Tiger (pictures), Garden Tiger, and Wood Tiger. Photo: Canva/Getty Images