We Scots haven’t always been the most festive bunch - Christmas Day wasn’t even a public holiday until 1958, with most folk working on Boxing Day until it followed in 1974.
But back in the day though the country was still festooned in decorations in December and large crowds would gather to watch the switching on of the Christmas lights.
Meanwhile every big department store had a grotto and a queue of eager children, patiently waiting for their turn to sit on Santa’s lap.
Grab a mince pie, pour yourself a mulled wine and enjoy a journey to Scottish Christmas past.

13. Yule never manage...
A man with a Christmas tree trying to get on a bus on the High Street in Edinburgh Photo: Denis Straughan

14. Christmas special
The Christmas tree in Central Station in Glasgow, December 1965. Photo: Gordon Rule

15. Mound on the Mound
Norway's gift to Edinburgh, the Christmas tree at the Mound, is blown down by gale in December 1962. Photo: Unknown