It's Christmas!It's Christmas!
It's Christmas!

Best Christmas Cracker Jokes 2023: 25 of the funniest Dad jokes and one liners to give you a festive giggle

Here are 25 of the best Dad jokes and festive one liners that are so bad, they're actually rather good.

Is it really Christmas if you don't share some terrible Dad jokes and Christmas cracker one liners? We believe they are all a staple of a typical Christmas day for us.

Would it really be the same without a barrel of jokes from your Christmas cracker that are so bad, they’re actually kind of good? Of course not!

Loaded with puns and often devoid of humour, for better or worse the awkward reading of cracker jokes have become part of December 25 for all of the family.

However, if you simply can’t wait to the big day to read and recite your favourite jokes we've got your back with no less than 25 jokes so bad that they’re good.

Loaded with puns and often devoid of humour, for better or worse the awkward reading of cracker jokes have become part of December 25 for all of the family.

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