15 of the strangest questions tourists ask about Edinburgh - answered
By Rosalind Erskine
Published 16th Aug 2019, 12:57 GMT
Updated 16th Aug 2019, 13:57 GMT
Picture: Shuttertock
If you've ever wondered about Arthur's seat, the smell at Haymarket and what time the one o'clock gun goes off, you're not alone.
From enquiries about the time of the one o'clock gun to questions on how often the Castle is bought and sold, here are the most commonly asked questions about Edinburgh.
Despite the clue being in the name, people have asked this. The answer, of course, is one o'clock.
Despite being the other side of the world, it is indeed the same moon.
This is referring to the Royal Military Tattoo, which runs throughout August.
Visit Scotland respond with: "Why didn't they build the Castle closer to the airport?'" to explain to people just how old Scotland is and its history.
An American gentleman once asked Visit Scotland staff this...
While you can visit the Royal Yacht, it won't be moving any time soon.