Latest Scottish Government figures show that in the year ending September 2023 Scotland exported goods worth £35.1 billion around the world.
I was down by a small amount on the year before (0.3 per cent) but showed a modest increase of 2.1 per cent compared to the same period in 2019.

1. Oil
The glory days of North Sea Oil may be behind us, but it's still Scotland's biggest export to the tune of £9.3 billion last year. That's nearly three twice the amount of our second largest export. | Canva/Getty Images

2. Drink
Led by the Scotch Whisky industry, Scotland exported £5.6 billion of drink last year. | Canva/Getty Images

3. Power generating machinery
Power generating machinery such us wind turbines are big business for Scotland, with exports of £3.1 billion. That's up nearly 25 per cent in the last three years. | Canva/Getty Images

4. Gas
After a year in third spot, gas has dropped to fourth - with annual exports of £2.1 billion. | Canva./Getty Images