Flock star moves: the best baa none at this year’s Royal Highland Show

The Royal Highland Show is celebrating the glittering return of the Golden Shears World Sheep Shearing & Woolhandling Championships with Flock to the Show, a large-scale trail of public art across Scotland, and here’s one of the herd now. Today we learn about Scottish Wildflowers by Daria Zapala sponsored by Buchanan Galleries
Flower power brings rock star moves to Royal Highland ShowFlower power brings rock star moves to Royal Highland Show
Flower power brings rock star moves to Royal Highland Show

The Golden Shears World Sheep Shearing & Woolhandling Championships is returning to the Royal Highland Show in June after 20 years.

Held in the MacRobert Theatre, more than 35 countries from across the world will battle it out to see who is the fastest sheep shearer and who has the best woolhandling technique.

The highly-anticipated event will feature 39 decorated sheep sculptures that are currently on tour across Scotland in the Flock to the Show public art trail.

The Scotsman is the media partner for both events and the Royal Highland Show is held from 22 to 25 June.

Visit the website at royalhighlandshow.org

Meet the artist

Daria Zapala is a contemporary visual artist who works in painting, printmaking, and multimedia.

Referencing animal symbolism, she evokes a shamanic journey where the spirit animal is great at slicing through chaos and confusion, allowing for new levels of healing and transformation to break through. Daria has exhibited both in the UK and overseas, and has worked for several arts organisations, including Glasgow’s Print Studio, Centre for Contemporary Arts, and Gallery of Modern Art.

Daria said: “Inspired by Scottish wildflowers, I designed my version of a wildflower meadow to bring a breath of countryside into the Flock To The Show.

“Over the years, the introduction of monoculture-type farming practices coupled with the harsh maintenance of road verges has reduced the natural habitats of many seed-eating birds, small mammals and insects.”

Scottish Wildflowers

Scottish Wildflowers by Daria Zapala raises awareness of the Right Agriculture in the Right Areas (RAIRA), which is an approach used by farmers in Scotland that seeks to match the farming systems to the ecological and environmental conditions of different regions.

It involves identifying the strengths and limitations of different landscapes and developing farming systems adapted to local conditions, in order to promote sustainable land use and enhance environmental outcomes.

The RAIRA approach is highly relevant to Scottish agriculture, as Scotland has diverse landscapes and ecosystems that require different farming systems to be managed sustainably. For example, some regions are well-suited to grazing and livestock production, while others are better suited to arable crops or forestry. The RAIRA approach helps to identify the most appropriate land use, taking into account environmental, social, and economic factors.

Meet the sponsor

Buchanan Galleries, home to over 80 stores, is at the heart of Glasgow’s retail scene.

They said: “The Flock to the Show campaign encapsulates Scottish culture and heritage. We’re thrilled to be supporting a great cause and to be a part of the Meet the Flock Trail. “The range of bright, quirky designs of all 20 sheep sculptures which will be at Buchanan Galleries is a testament to the brilliant talent of artists from across Scotland.

“They each tell their own story and showcase the fantastic things the country has to offer. “Farming and agriculture is at the centre of Scottish life. It’s important that we support our local farmers and agriculturalists who bring the best in food, textiles and produce to our homes and across the world.”

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