Of the many local artists mentioned in our ‘favourite musicians’ poll, none appeared as much as Andy Chung who our readers called talented, charming and overall iconic. The Edinburgh-based Scottish Folk singer songwriter was born in Kirkcaldy to a Hongkongese family who settled there in the early sixties.Of the many local artists mentioned in our ‘favourite musicians’ poll, none appeared as much as Andy Chung who our readers called talented, charming and overall iconic. The Edinburgh-based Scottish Folk singer songwriter was born in Kirkcaldy to a Hongkongese family who settled there in the early sixties.
Of the many local artists mentioned in our ‘favourite musicians’ poll, none appeared as much as Andy Chung who our readers called talented, charming and overall iconic. The Edinburgh-based Scottish Folk singer songwriter was born in Kirkcaldy to a Hongkongese family who settled there in the early sixties.

The Best Buskers of Scotland: 18 ‘little-known’ musicians starting with Andy Chung

We asked our Scotsman readers for their favourite buskers, pub singers and other local artists and what’s clear is that Scotland is passionate about music, especially Andy Chung’s.

There are some songs that every Scot knows (“Da Da Da, Dun Diddle Un Diddle Un Diddle Uh Da Da”, need we say more?) However, there are many talented artists scattered around Scotland that are lesser-known to the wider music-loving community.

For tourists visiting our capital, being greeted by the bagpipers’ moving Scottish melodies is one of the Edinburgh attractions that makes the trip so memorable. For local Scots who are well-acquainted with bagpipes, cities famous for their music scenes like Glasgow may be of greater interest as the talent pool is even more diverse meaning there’s something for everyone.

Either way, enjoying music while you’re out and about (and not just on Spotify) is a fun novelty that has the power to uplift us. So, when we asked our Scotsman readers for their favourite ‘little-known musicians’ of Scotland, we were delighted to receive a treasure trove of responses; some more abundant than others, looking at you Andy.

Here are 18 of those responses for the “best buskers” in Scotland. Disclaimer: many artists who busk are not limited to street performance alone, be sure to check out any names you’re interested in and see what else they’ve been up to.

Either way, enjoying music while you’re out and about (and not just on Spotify) is a fun novelty that has the power to uplift us. So, when we asked our Scotsman readers for their favourite ‘little-known musicians’ of Scotland, we were delighted to receive a treasure trove of responses; some more abundant than others, looking at you Andy.