Double Crossword


Cryptic puzzle


7. Scalpel? (9,4)

8. Lost rice scattered in the monastery (8)

9. All-points bulletin (4)

10. Various frogmen (6)

12. Sudden entrance caused by his getting run out (6)

14. A gun lost in a backroad by the lizard (6)

16. Fundamental quality of physical life (6)

18. Sue a revolting brother of Jacob (4)

20. Can't lire be exchanged for an instrument? (8)

22. Hospital numbers (13)


1. What is taught at charm school? (8)

2. Fur the Queen has belonging to me (6)

3. Bad test result? Let it stand! (4)

4. Repugnance for one edition (8)

5. Plant around winter (6)

6. Bird about to have an argument (4)

11. Mark goes to a big town and finds a dearth (8)

13. Badly torn rose found in Italy (8)

15. Mean to get upset about the copper's insight (6)

17. Initially trifling ridiculous inanities varying in aptness (6)

19. Dan's prepared to become like George (4)

21. He's getting bitter and cross (4)

Quick puzzle


7. Dismay (13)

8. List (8)

9. Wire (4)

10. Acid (6)

12. Vindicate (6)

14. Open (6)

16. Scots dish (6)

18. Dull (4)

20. Hellish (8)

22. Disturb (13)


1. Comic (8)

2. Aid (6)

3. Turf (4)

4. Intrude (8)

5. Muffle (6)

6. Timbre (4)

11. Respite (8)

13.Leadership (8)

15. Band (6)

17. Gather (6)

19. Rave (4)

21. Tooth (4)

Thursday's solutions

CRYPTIC – Across: 1 Gong; 8 One fine day; 9 Cadillac; 10 Eons; 12 Flagon; 14 Sharks; 15 Andrew; 17 Shandy; 18 Trio; 19 Lie still; 21 Noel Coward; 22 Omen. Down: 2 Ocean liner; 3 Gobi; 4 Berlin; 5 Discus; 6 Demerara; 7 Byes; 11 Naked flame; 13 Gargoyle; 16 Wallop; 17 See-saw; 18 Tine; 20 To-do.

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QUICK – Across:1 Pang; 8 Antagonise; 9 Sedation; 10 Nick; 12 Mirage; 14 Yearly; 15 Simmer; 17 Prefer; 18 Agog; 19 Morality; 21 Contribute; 22 Suet. Down: 2 Appetising; 3 Gala; 4 Strive; 5 Agency; 6 Inundate; 7 Jerk; 11 Collective; 13 Almighty; 16 Remain; 17 Porous; 18 Arch; 20 Lees.

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