Double Crossword

Choice of cryptic or quick puzzle, and (just in case you've been wracking your brains) yesterday's solutions.

Cryptic puzzle


1. Burn daily (4)

3. Plant found in different climates (8)

8. Militia upsetting Mary (4)

9. Half-hearted like a doubter, perhaps (8)

11. A person's amusement at making a killing (12)

13. Arrested two boys (6)

14. A male sheep is a musketeer (6)

17. Is he out of the classroom? (12)

20. Pause when the tea is drunk (8)

21. Worthless and arrogant (4)

22. The key staff? (8)

23. We are or at least used to be (4)


1. Lion came out of the colliery (8)

2. Girl is able to return the yearbook (7)

4. Does it lead to the birth of a party? (6)

5. Roman ought to change a harmonica (5,5)

6. Overrated occupation? (5)

7. Stalk and stop (4)

10. Bullet to be exchanged for an insect (10)

12. Alienate the sergeant, perhaps (8)

15. Change the name of a gas (7)

16. Give a pound back to the man who is drunk (6)

18. Actors taking an English class (5)

19. 'On Her Majesty's Service' shows resistance (4)

Quick puzzle


1. Destiny (4)

3. Cruel (8)

8. Journey (4)

9. Focus (8)

11. Talk (12)

13. Thin paper (6)

14. Fast (6)

17. Later idea (12)

20. Lift (8)

21. Run away (4)

22. Unexpectedly (8)

23. Jog (4)


1. Savagery (8)

2. News (7)

4. Awaken (6)

5. Offer (10)

6. Trunk (5)

7. Cook (4)

10. Make younger (10)

12. Garment (8)

15. Uniform (7)

16. Amble (6)

18. Liberated (5)

19. Fewer (4)

Wednesday's solutions


Across: 1 Accompanist; 9 Hairpin; 10 Treat; 11 Frays; 12 Mud-flat; 13 Wavers; 15 Ice-cap; 18 Relapse; 20 Scrap 22 Exact; 23 Fritter; 24 Enchantress.

Down: 2 China; 3 Opposer; 4 Panama; 5 Noted; 6 Shellac; 7 Shift-worker; 8 State-papers; 14 Villain; 16 Cashier; 17 Deafen; 19 Pitch; 21 Rates


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Across: 1 Hard and fast; 9 Uptight; 10 Terse; 11 Forge; 12 Relieve; 13 Cruise; 15 Acetic; 18 Embrace; 20 Natal; 22 Cease; 23 Oneness; 24 Teetotaller

Down: 2 Actor; 3 Digress; 4 Nature; 5 Fatal; 6 Serpent; 7 Sufficiency; 8 Defenceless; 14 Umbrage; 16 Conceal; 17 Devout; 19 Avert; 21 Theme