Double Crossword

Choice of cryptic or quick puzzle, and (just in case you've been wracking your brains) yesterday's solutions.

Cryptic puzzle


7. Lift up the beams, say (5)

8. Blow up the awful general (7)

9. Will return to a vegetable (7)

10. A garment cut in a new style (5)

12. It means one is apart, somehow (10)

15. Decorations depicting striptease, possibly (10)

18. The right to order a meal in the kingdom (5)

19. Dirty like a small mountain stream? (7)

21. Smile about the elm being damaged by a mischievous creature (7)

22. Stand when the lease runs out (5)


1. A court poser may be set by him (10)

2. It's very important for the girl to take it in (5)

3. Laze about with fervour? (4)

4. She's out of breath (6)

5. Even the team is upset with a co-resident (8)

6. Distracted when it's back in the money (7)

11. Al's position as a footballer? (6-4)

13. Mel's been forming a group (8)

14. Has left behind a paper about clothes (7)

16. Evaluating the seaman (6)

17. Gives money to the youth-leader when drunk (5)

20. Rush like wild deer (4)

Quick puzzle


7. Titled (5)

8. Proficient (7)

9. Gratify (7)

10. Eminent (5)

12. Unfathomable (10)

15. Torturers (10)

18. Boundary (5)

19. Reply (7)

21. Old hand (7)

22. Enter (3,2)


1. Unplanned (10)

2. Dwelling (5)

3. Experience (4)

4. Appearance (6)

5. Wrong name (8)

6. Raze (7)

11. Inharmonious (10)

13. Capsize (8)

14. Encourage (7)

16. Despot (6)

17. Value (5)

20. Indication (4)

Tuesday's solutions


Across: 1 Inelastic; 8 Poe; 9 Appropriate; 11 Durable; 12 Avail; 13 Rococo; 15 Rimini; 17 Cameo; 18 Lasagne; 20 Ace of hearts; 22 Run; 23 Assertion.

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Down: 2 Nap; 3 A-bomb; 4 Tureen; 5 Chapati; 6 Opera singer; 7 Repulsive; 10 Part company; 11 Directors; 14 Cholera; 16 Cliffs; 19 Steer; 21 Too.


Across: 1 Swallow up; 8 New; 9 Extravagant; 11 Breathe; 12 First; 13 Thorax; 15 Alcove; 17 Exact; 18 Elegant; 20 Landing-gear; 22 Foe; 23 Absurdity.

Down: 2 Wax; 3 Leapt; 4 Weaken; 5 Playful; 6 Interrogate; 7 Sweetmeat; 10 Teetotaller; 11 Better off; 14 Antenna; 16 Remiss; 19 Eager; 21 Apt.