Double Crossword

Choice of cryptic or quick puzzle, and (just in case you've been wracking your brains) yesterday's solutions.

Cryptic puzzle


1. A burning matter for late students (8,3)

9. The old boy's remedy is not at all clear (7)

10. A strike in a game (5)

11. Gain admission to some forbidden territory (5)

12. Singer shows there's nothing in taking the corner correctly (7)

13. Not attempting to hide powerful explosive initially in sole (6)

15. Stick to half the road in this place (6)

18. Period in history of a region (4,3)

20. I care about Heather (5)

22. Initially heading as if for an Israeli port (5)

23. The actors were first to have moved on board (7)

24. Angrily took food to excess (11)


2. Plan within plan for fashionable group? (5)

3. Run late, not taking sides (7)

4. Tug-of-war country? (6)

5. The pace of contemporary life (5)

6. Concentrated tennis out East (7)

7. Reconstruction of Gothic motel to be revealed (4,2,5)

8. Do they make workers under them pay? (6,5)

14. Eastern proposal engenders feeling (7)

16. Kitchen, not bedroom, furniture (7)

17. Where a storm may easily brew up? (3-3)

19. A step taken quickly (5)

21. It has water all round and has a tenant (5)

Quick puzzle


1. Spell (11)

9. Seer (7)

10. Name (5)

11. Relative (5)

12. Arm-bone (7)

13. Reply (6)

15. Sprinkle (6)

18. Instance (7)

20. Given fact (5)

22. Thin candle (5)

23. Curtail (7)

24. Needless (11)


2. Loop (5)

3. Accomplish (7)

4. Irritable (6)

5. Emblem (5)

6. Exceed (7)

7. Impulsiveness (11)

8. Dimension (11)

14. Whet (7)

16. Monstrous (7)

17. Tenant (6)

19. Cleanse (5)

21. Teacher (5)

Tuesday's solutions


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Across: 1 Finalist; 5 Keep; 9 Scot; 10 Waterloo; 11 Stock; 12 Diverse; 13 Irregular verb; 18 Solution; 19 Arum; 20 Abating; 21 Curio; 22 Then; 23 Grafting.

Down: 2 Inciter; 3 Article; 4 Scandalmonger; 6 Enlarge; 7 Proverb; 8 Server; 13 Instant; 14 Release; 15 Gets in; 16 Viaduct; 17 Reunion.


Across: 1 Trespass; 5 Grip; 9 Able; 10 Allocate; 11 Dingy; 12 Provide; 13 White as a sheet; 18 Required; 19 Rove; 20 Heinous; 21 Motor; 22 Prey; 23 Admonish.

Down: 2 Rubbish; 3 Sleight; 4 Self-possessed; 6 Realise; 7 Prevent; 8 Porous; 13 Worship; 14 Inquire; 15 Editor; 16 Harpoon; 17 Envious.