Cryptic crossword - The Scotsman 28/03/14

Friday’s puzzle...


1 It’s a worthless person who puts litter in orbit (1,5,2,5)

10 Poorly-repaired road north entails not returning to see game (9)

11 Pay less, giving a pound for ointment (5)

12 Go slower in order to criticize (3,4)

13 Problems with foreign currency after last default (7)

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14 Comes to blows about removing original landing from stairs (6)

16 Mention latest boyfriend on Twitter - will follow in time (8)

18 Make sterile reproduction by artist of note (8)

20 Minister appearing as port goes round (6)

23 Concierge provides room and preparation of it (7)

24 Dismissing trip that includes seaside (7)

26 Make an alphabetical list of how cards are said to be kept (5)

27 Taking time out in contemplation, help to find a solution (9)

28 Dancing couple who were loud, fiery, and had spice (4,3,6)


2 Extend range of radio shack? (5)

3 Leave quietly when you heard surroundings were dreadfully spoilt (4,3)

4 Although decapitated, marine aid is not dead yet (6)

5 Enjoyment caught by one on occasion (8)

6 Faint at getting permission to go (4,3)

7 One famous for being famous has a go at person taking service (9)

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8 A brute, we hear, confronted loss of independent existence with a shameless disregard for truth (1,9,3)

9 Dangers he bore with difficulty on surveying unexplored territory (4,2,7)

15 Cut has been there longer than fuel store (9)

17 Restrict male growth of substitute performers (8)

19 Changed the sound balance to blend in clarinet part (7)

21 Don’t vote for a ban, it’s corrupt (7)

22 Show off sporting stolen pet (6)

25 Institute of mining engineers discovers organic compound (5)

Thursday’s solutions

Across: 1 Celebrations, 9 Untried, 10 Prevent, 11 Inch, 12 Henna, 13 Doff, 16 Ensures, 17 Treadle, 18 Supreme, 21 Rebuffs, 23 Tart, 24 Crime, 25 Sari, 28 Estuary, 29 Assault, 30 Cabinet-makers.

Down: 2 Entices, 3 Evil, 4 Redress, 5 Topknot, 6 Over, 7 Steroid, 8 Stuffed shirt, 9 Universities, 14 Pried, 15 Derby, 19 Plastic, 20 Early on, 21 Rampart, 22 Feature, 26 Lamb, 27 Asia.

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