Cryptic crossword - The Scotsman 16/11/2011

Wednesday’s puzzle...


1 What one is doing at Prestwick running away (6,6)

8 Turn aside from greeting at right time (5)

9 Be awkward and fumbling without using fingers? (3,6)

11 Belgian bird dog (6)

12 Dolores North translated an ancient language (3,5)

14 Old 3-D opera? (10)

15 Cliff and Mark left by accident (4)

18 During the meal sociable as well (4)

19 Legendary follower, divine saint who was young first (6,4)

21 Confronted Ruby first who was blushing (3-5)

23 No end of sweet dish for Russian physiologist (6)

25 The Parisian transported to event in short story (9)

26 During festival GI did catch cold (5)

27 Not sorry when surprisingly outpacing Leo (12)


1 He’s taken in by bull in wordlist (9)

2 Lathe Ken turned for a lady (8)

3 Tide damaging panel no end (4)

4 Portrait that has not been shortened (4-6)

5 Make sure it isn’t dropped while being dealt with (2,4)

6 Bird residence before end of year (5)

7 Jewish leader taking tons going over densely populated slum district found series of burrows (6-6)

10 Invaders are bamboozled going over a range (6,6)

13 March of an army unit (10)

16 Cut circuit design using false reasoning (9)

17 Engineers worker to include the Parisian female with unknown drug (8)

20 Run fast, go quietly round everybody (6)

22 Virginia in row on sofa (5)

24 Menace to shipping in December gales (4)