Compact Crossword - The Scotsman 28/02/13

7 Sanctimonious talk (4)
8 Ocean (8)
9 Frolic (5)
10 Sudden inclination to act (7)
12 Latest thing (3)
13 Timely (9)
16 French philosopher (1596-1650) (9)
17 Devotee (3)
19 Piece of mischief (7)
21 Ballroom dance (5)
23 Type of rum (8)
24 Ruminate (4)
1 Shell (8)
2 A young ox (5)
3 Time out (3)
4 Gym shoes (9)
5 Affronts (7)
6 Prejudice (4)
11 Assessment (9)
14 Low alcohol drink (4-4)
15 Disperse (7)
18 Cavalry weapon (5)
20 Intimidated (4)
22 A long way off (3)
Wednesday’s solution
Across: 1 Viewfinder, 7 Handsel, 8 Bloom, 10 Tint, 11 Deletion, 13 Gallop, 15 Lactic, 17 Negative, 18 Acer, 21 Clang, 22 Wolfram, 23 Flashlight.
Down: 1 Venin, 2 Ease, 3 Filter, 4 Nobleman, 5 Egotist, 6 Photogenic, 9 Monochrome, 12 Montages, 14 Leg bail, 16 Avowal, 19 Caret, 20 Blog.