Compact Crossword - The Scotsman, 25/01/14

7 Contributing (13)
9 Comes to an end (4,3)
10 Of the same value (5)
11 Lean (against) (4)
12 Trademark (5)
16 A spell (5)
17 Central part (4)
21 Wrong (5)
22 A violent storm (7)
23 Travelling widely (5-8)
1 Austere (7)
2 A radioactive metal (7)
3 Fulcrum (5)
4 Beauty contest (7)
5 God-fearing (5)
6 A round hillock (5)
8 Translator (11)
13 Hushed tone (7)
14 Takes up residence (5,2)
15 Trace (7)
18 A heavy African knife (5)
19 Chauvinist (5)
20 Vacant (5)
Friday’s solution
Across: 1 Tramp, 4 Apace, 10 Eight, 11 Hosanna, 12 Eldorado, 13 Brer, 15 Vandal, 17 Paella, 19 Tank, 20 Tollgate, 23 Ostrich, 24 Aorta, 25 Speed, 26 Skunk.
Down: 2 Rigid, 3 Motorway, 5 Pass, 6 Central, 7 Reservation, 8 Shady, 9 Carriageway, 14 Tailback, 16 Nonstop, 18 Bothy, 21 Apron, 22 Bike.