Compact Crossword - The Scotsman, 24/01/14

1 Trudge (5)
4 Rapidly (5)
10 Rowing crew (5)
11 Shout of praise (7)
12 Golden land (8)
13 Fictional rabbit (4)
15 Hooligan (6)
17 Rice dish (6)
19 Cistern (4)
20 Place to pay en route (8)
23 Flightless bird (7)
24 Artery (5)
25 Quickness (5)
26 Vile-smelling animal (5)
2 Stiff (5)
3 Fast road (8)
5 Proceed (4)
6 Inner (7)
7 Booked seat (11)
8 Disreputable (5)
9 Dual _ (11)
14 Queue of traffic (8)
16 Express (7)
18 Humble cottage (5)
21 Protective garment (5)
22 Bicycle (4)
Thursday’s solution
Across: 1 Manuscript, 7 Protract, 8 Grow, 9 Sloop, 10 Scunner, 12 Marginalising, 15 Prosper, 17 Assay, 20 Espy, 21 Utilised, 22 Repertoire.
Down: 1 Moral, 2 Not long, 3 Scam, 4 Reticule, 5 Pagan, 6 Govern, 11 Insecure, 13 Afresh, 14 Sashimi, 16 Style, 18 Arete, 19 Gist.