Compact crossword - The Scotsman 20/01/15

1 Arm muscle (6)
4 Wine-cellars (6)
9 Warning (coll) (5,2)
10 Boundary (5)
11 Italian composer (1813-1901) (5)
12 Out of the running (7)
13 A hard green apple (6,5)
18 Italian composer (1678-1741) (7)
20 Ransack (5)
22 Splendid (5)
23 Set apart (7)
24 Saturates (6)
25 Egyptian god (6)
1 Toe the line (6)
2 Professorship (5)
3 Strong emotion (7)
5 Permit (5)
6 Glowing (7)
7 Easy catch (6)
8 Inflammation of a vertebra (11)
14 Get your own back (7)
15 Leaves high and dry (7)
16 Steers clear of (6)
17 Soft round flat caps (6)
19 Hoard (3,2)
21 A natural aptitude (5)
Monday’s solution
Across: 8 UAR, 9 Cartridge, 10 Paper, 11 Newsman, 12 Resident, 14 Grey, 15 Self, 16 Absorbed, 20 Tempera, 21 Super, 23 Sensitive, 24 Lac.
Down: 1 Bumper, 2 Crop, 3 Scared, 4 Grin and bear it, 5 Brown, 6 Adam’s rib, 7 Keenly, 13 Salt-mine, 15 Setose, 17 Ousted, 18 Direct, 19 Debit, 22 Pile.