Compact crossword - The Scotsman 19/11/2011

1 Proceeds (5)
4 Hoisting device(5)
10 Armpit (5)
11 Orange-yellowcolour (7)
12 Shares in (8)
13 Stupefy (4)
15 With no trouble at all (6)
17 Springs (6)
19 Reverberation (4)
20 East European country (8)
23 Withdraw (4,3)
24 Sprinted (5)
25 Flower (5)
26 German philosopher (1770-1831) (5)
2 Instructor (5)
3 Easily carried (8)
5 Knowledge (abbrev)(4)
6 Drapery (7)
7 Perceives (11)
8 Requested (5)
9 Realises (11)
14 Come together (8)
16 Educates (7)
18 Wind instrument(5)
21 Mother-of-pearl (5)
22 Sharpen (4)
Friday’s solution
Across: 7 Liechtenstein,9 Acrylic, 10 Obeli, 11 Iris,12 Spain, 16 Skive, 17 To go, 21 Boast, 22 Lesotho, 23 Czech Republic.
Down: 1 Albania, 2 Georgia, 3 Chile, 4 Estonia, 5 Yemen, 6 India, 8 Escape valve,13 Sketchy, 14 Hostile, 15 Morocco, 18 Aback, 19 Wales, 20 Use up.