Compact crossword - The Scotsman 19/03/15

1 Gulf in Red Sea (5)
4 Soft and sticky (5)
10 Medical photographs (1-4)
11 Father of James and John (New Testament) (7)
12 White wine (8)
13 Military vehicle (4)
15 Acid glassy lava (6)
17 Planet (6)
19 Vein of ore (4)
20 Of centre of eruption (8)
23 Buy and sell (5-2)
24 Angry (5)
25 Long for (5)
26 Escargot (5)
2 Quiver (5)
3 RC church (8)
5 US tramp (4)
6 Freshwater duck (7)
7 Infer (11)
8 Bracing air (5)
9 Not tell others (4,1,6)
14 Fragment (8)
16 Intervene (7)
18 Sharp end (5)
21 Canteen (5)
22 Vehicle mechanism (4)
Thursday’s solution
Grid G
Across: 1 Implicated, 7 Torrents, 8 Ache, 9 Hymns, 10 Bedecks, 12 Retrospective, 15 Footpad, 17 Fable, 20 Just, 21 Artefact, 22 Grievances.
Down: 1 Irony, 2 Partner, 3 Iona, 4 Answered, 5 Erase, 6 Chekov, 11 Escalate, 13 Exodus, 14 Traffic, 16 Tutor, 18 Locks, 19 Etna.