Compact crossword - The Scotsman 06/10/2012
7 Field event athlete (6-7)
9 Old Testament book (7)
10 Affray (5)
11 Whirlpool (4)
12 Faculty (5)
16 Middle Eastern city (5)
17 Spanish river (4)
21 Small bird (5)
22 Fragrant (7)
23 Unflagging (13)
1 Compartment (7)
2 Cave in violently (7)
3 Freshwater fish (5)
4 Decay (7)
5 Bulge out (5)
6 Small inlet (5)
8 Bears in mind (6,5)
13 Vindicate (7)
14 Swallows up (7)
15 Long pillow (7)
18 European country (5)
19 Type of porcelain (5)
20 Cosmetic (5)
Friday’s solution:
Across: 1 Quick, 4 Brown,
10 Nosed, 11 Stand up, 12 Intifada, 13 Pier, 15 Exceed, 17 Weight,
19 Sump, 20 Moderato,
23 Rhombus, 24 Rioja, 25 After, 26 Shock.
Down: 2 Upset, 3 Codified,
5 Ream, 6 Wedding,
7 Anniversary, 8 Aside,
9 Operational, 14 Research,
16 Come off, 18 Worst, 21 Azoic, 22 Able.