Compact crossword - The Scotsman 06/03/15
7 Game similar to skittles (6,7)
9 Acquire (7)
10 Red-hot plant? (5)
11 Acme (4)
12 Hard stone (5)
16 Midshipman (5)
17 Board game (4)
21 Treatment centre (5)
22 Provoked to action (7)
23 Party game (4,3,6)
1 Perfect (7)
2 Indoor game (7)
3 Resentment (5)
4 Striking (7)
5 Unsafe (5)
6 Greek marketplace (5)
8 Series of dice games (6,5)
13 Jewish farm settlement (7)
14 Magistrate (7)
15 Venetian boat (7)
18 Gambling game (5)
19 Card game (5)
20 Lean animal (5)
Thursday’s solution
Across: 1 Thatcher, 5 Flip, 9 Ripen, 10 Debacle, 11 Mine-sweepers, 13 Redact, 14 Stupor, 17 Disinherited, 20 Element, 21 Dread, 22 Till, 23 Vendetta.
Down: 1 Turn, 2 Applied, 3 Condescended, 4 Endows, 6 Lucre, 7 Pressure, 8 Absent-minded, 12 Gradient, 15 Prevent, 16 Centre, 18 Swell, 19 Idea.