Compact crossword - 04/08/15 The Scotsman

1 Department (6)
4 Self-evident (6)
9 An umpire (7)
10 An intense beam of light (5)
11 Ice-cream cornets (5)
12 Affronts (7)
13 Flourishing (5,6)
18 A fantasist (7)
20 Harmful gas (5)
22 A type of polygonal window (5)
23 A terrier (7)
24 Symbols (6)
25 A fish-eating raptor (6)
1 Offshoot (6)
2 Common garden bird (5)
3 A skilled worker (7)
5 Book of maps (5)
6 Greek letter (7)
7 Make one’s way (6)
8 A committee of experts (6,5)
14 A stone pillar (7)
15 Out of control (7)
16 Dexterous (6)
17 A salad plant (6)
19 Italian city (5)
21 Fish-eating aquatic carnivore (5)
Monday’s solution
Grid M
Across: 8 Eve, 9 Embarrass, 10 Taunt, 11 Rivulet, 12 Reindeer, 14 Swan, 15 Sink, 16 Aneurysm, 20 Shebeen, 21 Devon, 23 Eider duck, 24 Sag.
Down: 1 Dexter, 2 Zebu, 3 Belted, 4 Aberdeen Angus, 5 Drove, 6 Galloway, 7 Isatin, 13 Innuendo, 15 Sussex, 17 Updike, 18 Manage, 19 Kerry, 22 Vase.