Comedy review: Pippa Evans


PIPPA Evans turned plenty of heads at last year's festival, garnering an if.comedy Best Newcomer nomination and announcing herself as a gifted comic actress with a skill for contriving memorably gruesome characters. Your Evening's Entertainment ought to consolidate that reputation, though perhaps not progress it.

Her creation, Julie Mansize, an ageing, attention-craving singer, seems better suited to a sinking cruise ship than the conference she's currently playing, a corporate gathering punctuated by a meat bingo called by the robot Bing 200. Formerly part of lounge act Mansize & Mansize with her husband Frank, who died in suspicious circumstances, Julie's songs betray a scarcely subtextual howl through her furiously grinning teeth.

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Returning character Amangela Toolhardy, a strident simpleton, is now a Pleasance audience liaison officer, entertainingly quizzing the crowd on why theatre is a waste of time, while misguided Derek is a Paul McKenna-brainwashed, Julie-besotted, egg enthusiast who might have killed Michael Jackson. Finally, there's Evans's most fully realised and funniest creation, psychotic US folkie-stalker Loretta Maine, who remains a dubious wedding booking, even if her terrifying My Love Is Like A Box is the show's unequivocal highlight.

• Until 28 August. Today 6:20pm.