Bridge - The Scotsman 27/08/2012

Before the start of the World Mind Sports Bridge (formerly World Bridge Olympiad) most predicted a final between European Champions Monaco and USA, or perhaps Italy or the strong Netherlands squad. In fact the contestants were a young Swedish team, and Poland, while Monaco beat Ireland in the playoff for the bronze medal.

This was the explosive start to the Final. The 2-suited double of the strong no-trump was followed by a value-showing redouble. North’s 4H indicated a guaranteed fit for partner’s major, and East’s double was primarily takeout. West did not fancy defending 4S, so he asked partner to pick another suit. There was no defence to 5C. South might lead ace of diamonds and give partner a ruff, but there would be no further tricks. He actually led a spade. Nystrom ruffed, drew trump, discarded two losers on hearts and ruffed two more to make an overtrick.

In the Closed room Petersson overcalled 1NT with an ASPTRO 2D, showing spades and another suit. West jumped to 4D as a transfer to hearts, and Ahlesved bid 4S. East doubled, influenced by his shortage in partner’s suit, but he made just three tricks: a spade, a heart and a club. Declarer took a diamond finesse to establish the suit and make his contract. The double game swing gave the Swedes a 14imp start, and they never lost the lead, running out worthy winners.

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