
Tuesday's bridge...

THURSDAY this week sees the start of the Junior European Championships in Bulgaria. Young players have a great enthusiasm for the game, often reflected in a happy-go-lucky attitude to slam bidding. The young Czech Milan Macura's leap to slam here is a distinct overbid, but he justified it by superb play

West led the two of clubs (lowest from three of partner's suit) and declarer took the ace. He finessed the jack of diamonds, then played ace of hearts and a heart to the king. He now repeated the diamond finesse and cashed the ace of diamonds, noting the 3-3 break. There was a winning diamond in dummy, but no entry to reach it. However, all was not lost: East appeared to have at least six clubs for his overcall, together with three diamonds and two hearts. Declarer cashed the ace and king of spades, removing East's last non-clubs, and exited with the jack of clubs in this position:

Poor East had to return a club. South discarded the ten of spades and ruffed in dummy, then returned to hand with a spade ruff. Only now could he afford to draw the last trump.