
SOUTH on this hand from a pairs event was the great Zia Mahmood. He has a reputation for making bids that wouldn’t occur to anyone else but playing the hands so well that the bidding seems justified.

His 1NT was right on values but few players would judge Q3 to be much of a stop in hearts. West led the heart four to the six, seven and Queen. Zia now had nine top winners but the lack of an entry to his hand combined with the blockage in diamonds meant he couldn’t get to hand to enjoy the diamond Ace. The problem went away when he ran all six club winners.

West had to keep both his hearts so he discarded two spades and a diamond. Now East was trapped in a stepping stone squeeze on the last club. She had to keep her spade Ace and two diamonds (or declarer could overtake the diamond King), so she had room for only three hearts. Zia could now cash the diamond King and exit in spades. The defence took a spade and three hearts but East had to lead a diamond at trick 13, conceding the ninth trick.

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Well played by Zia but not by West. If he holds on to both his diamonds then East no longer has to guard that suit. East can discard all her diamonds and the defenders have an extra heart winner to take when declarer loses the lead.

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