Circle of Light  A stunning photograph of a vivid aurora over Skagsanden beach, Lofoten Islands, Norway. The mountain in the background is Hustinden, which the aurora appears to encircle. 

Taken with a Nikon Z7 camera, 15 mm f/2.8, ISO 1000, 8-second exposure
Location: Flakstad, Lofoten Islands, NorwayRunner-Up
Circle of Light  A stunning photograph of a vivid aurora over Skagsanden beach, Lofoten Islands, Norway. The mountain in the background is Hustinden, which the aurora appears to encircle. 

Taken with a Nikon Z7 camera, 15 mm f/2.8, ISO 1000, 8-second exposure
Location: Flakstad, Lofoten Islands, Norway
Runner-Up Circle of Light A stunning photograph of a vivid aurora over Skagsanden beach, Lofoten Islands, Norway. The mountain in the background is Hustinden, which the aurora appears to encircle. Taken with a Nikon Z7 camera, 15 mm f/2.8, ISO 1000, 8-second exposure Location: Flakstad, Lofoten Islands, Norway

Astronomy Photographer of the Year 2023

Royal Observatory Greenwich announces the winner of Astronomy Photographer of the Year 15

The overall winners of the Royal Observatory Greenwich’s Astronomy Photographer of the Year 15 are Marcel Drechsler, Xavier Strottner and Yann Sainty for their photograph Andromeda, Unexpected that captures a surprising discovery – a huge plasma arc next to the Andromeda Galaxy (M31). Scientists are now investigating the giant object in a transnational collaboration. It could be the largest such structure nearest to us in the Universe. The image will be on display alongside the winners of the other categories in the accompanying exhibition, opening at the National Maritime Museum on Saturday 16 September 2023.