Schools shinty: Portree storm to national indoor title

SHINTY: Portree Primary School – Holly Maclean, Charlotte Gordon, Gemma Taylor, Abby Maclean, Emma Gordon, Ceitidh Smith, Jennifer Mackinnon and Claire Macleod – triumphed in the first girls’ Primary School National Indoor Championship at Portree High School.

Seven teams took part in the event organised by Highlife Highland Active Schools and Russell Jones, from the Camanachd Association.

Four sides came from Skye – Portree, Dunvegan, Elgol and North End – plus three more travelled from Lochcarron, Grantown-on-Spey and Ardnamurchan.

Portree beat Elgol 2-0 in the final with Ardnarmurchan and North Skye joint third, Dunvegan and Lochcarron joint fifth and Grantown sixth.