Golf: Play like Bubba . . aim for Dennis

YOUNG golfers in the Capital are being encouraged to play the ‘Bubba Way’ in a bid to both enjoy the game and also make the most of natural talent.

New Masters champion Bubba Watson spoke after his Augusta win last month about his self-taught game bearing the hallmarks of fun and creativity. That ‘play to learn’ approach has the backing of Scott Dixon, the head pro at Dalmahoy, where the presence of a Dennis the Menace target on the driving range these days is part of a bid to add a fun element into the game. “Times are changing in golf coaching – skill development, creativity and fun is the way we are going,” said Dixon, pictured above right. “Bubba and the way he learned and played is the way we have been delivering golf for eight years now. The driving range has become Scotland’s first, and home of ‘Golf Skill Development’ with ongoing development in fun interactive golf targets along with skill games.”

Around 80 kids are heading to Dalmahoy each week to take part in skill sessions while a series of summer camps are planned for the summer. “Kids and adults are loving the ‘play to learn’ approach and I feel it is a great success,” added Dixon, a former Bathgate junior who has been at Dalmahoy for 16 years.