Work from home gadgets you won’t regret – including a mini AC unit for 365 day use
In a world before Covid lockdowns and financial crashes, many people worked in giant offices, packed with water coolers, temperature controlled environments and well stock kitchens.
With some figures showing that as much as 44 per cent of the workforce still regularly work from home all or part of the time, getting the perfect home set up is likely to make you happier and more productive colleague.
Here are five pieces of kit you won’t want to do without, according to Costway Reviews:
A voice activated assistant
Many people use Alexa or Google simply to listen to the radio, but you can also add reminders for every key appointment throughout the day, or even weeks in advance. That way, no matter how engrossed you are in a project, you will get an audible prompt to join your zoom calls. Both of these devices – which are the industry leaders – also control the Costway mini AC, so you can keep your cool or turn up the heat from the comfort of your desk.
Air conditioning unit
The Costway mini AC is fully programmable, works via a remote control, voice activation or from an app on your phone. With three blower settings, and a 360 degree spread of air to avoid unwanted chills, this four-in-one cooling, heating, drying, fan will transform your home. It comes with an easy installation kit and five-year warranty (eight years for the compressor), making it the perfect small room air conditioner, with built-in easy maintenance options, including self-cleaning.
A decent camera
Is there anyone who really looks fab on your group video calls? If there’s one, chances are they’ve invested in a decent add-on camera, to give better definition (or filters if you prefer) and see life more clearly. Opt for 1080 HD resolution and a wide camera angle.
A standing desk
For the sake of your back, and your work/life balance, don’t spend up to ten hours a day working from your kitchen table, or with a laptop balanced on your lap. Choose a purpose-designed desk, at the appropriate height, and with plenty of space for your mouse, keyboard, extra screen if required, and for a cuppa! For the best of both worlds, choose an electronic standing desk, so you can raise the bar at the touch of a button and stretch out those muscles. Many models also come with built in USB connectivity, making them truly fit for purpose.
A treadmill
This one might be a little out there, but more and more people who spent a life time at a keyboard are trying to balance that out with fitness on the go. Once Scottish author has trained himself to write and run, and can clock up thousands of words and miles on a treadmill under his standing desk. If you are working up a sweat, couple this with the mini split air conditioner for optimum comfort.
Find your dream set up
Ready to find all the latest home office gadgets and thousands of others? Visit the Costway website and socials for the latest deals and offers, including cashback deals.
Find out more about the Costway mini split air conditioner here.