What's under the hood? Don't ask a man

Most men are complete dipsticks when it comes to car maintenance, according to a poll.

As many as 58 per cent of male motorists admit they have no idea how to look after their vehicle or what lies under the bonnet, the survey by www.webuyanycar.com found.

And 41 per cent do not even try to wash their car, the poll of 1,500 male motorists showed.

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A third of men do not know the meaning of warning lights on the dashboard, while 31 per cent refuse to carry out the most basic maintenance tasks.

As many as 30 per cent said they were embarrassed by their lack of basic maintenance skills.

Male drivers in Aberdeen were the best at car maintenance, followed by those in Wrexham in North Wales and in Leicester. Those living in Cambridge were worst, followed by those in Worcester and Brighton.