Web learning really clicks with Scottish school pupils

THE use of the internet in school is being hailed by Scottish pupils as the answer to alleviating boredom in the classroom, a survey revealed today.

Schoolchildren aged between 14 and 15 in Edinburgh, Aberdeen and Glasgow said having internet access in the classroom was an educational aid and made lessons more enjoyable.

Around half of those questioned had access to the internet in some or all of their lessons, and two-thirds (64 per cent) of those said having internet access "made classes more interesting".

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The survey, carried out by RM, a supplier of information and communications technology to schools, colleges and universities in the UK, found that up to 65 per cent of 14 to 15-year-old schoolchildren in Scotland also have internet access at home.

Maths and French were cited by the young pollsters as their least favourite subjects, with 61 per cent describing them as "boring".

But they recognised the value of such subjects, with 85 per cent of children saying they felt maths would be useful in later life. The favourite subject was PE.

Last year, the Scottish Executive announced plans to offer school pupils new subjects to better prepare them for the working world. The Executive said it was aiming to extend the range of qualifications on offer to senior pupils under plans to modernise the exam system.