Union gambles on strike action at city casinos

THE first strike by casino workers was threatened today in a row over pay and working conditions.

The GMB union said it had put a consultative ballot to 1000 members at Stanley Casinos, including those in Edinburgh, protesting at a 3.2 per cent pay offer.

The union said it was confident of a vote in favour, which could spark industrial action by croupiers, chefs, receptionists, cleaners and security staff at the firm's 41 casinos in England and Scotland.

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The union is seeking a 4.5 per cent pay rise together with improvements in working conditions, complaining that staff harassed or bullied by customers received little or no support from their managers.

The GMB claimed that in one casino, workers had to huddle around a tumble-dryer in a staff room to keep warm.

Mick Ainsley, national officer of the GMB, said: "GMB members in casinos have been undervalued by their employer for far too long."

The union says some staff are on annual salaries of 10,400, just above the national minimum wage.