UN Security Councial asked to rule on nuclear breaches

THE International Atomic Energy Agency has voted to report Syria to the United Nations' Security Council for violating its treaty obligations, citing Syria's undeclared construction of a covert nuclear reactor and refusal to supply information.

The vote was carried by a majority of the IAEA's 35-member council, but proved divisive. Seventeen members voted in favour, while six opposed the measure, based on the findings of IAEA chief Yukiya Amano. However, 11 nations abstained, meaning they did not contribute to the tally. One member was absent from the vote.

China and Russia voted against the recommendation, meaning it could face stiff opposition in the UN Security Council, where the Chinese and Russians have the power of veto.

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Before the vote, the Russians called the referral "untimely and not objective". They said the evidence against Syria was hypothetical and based on "possible alleged insufficiencies".

Mr Amano said that Syria should have declared its Dair Alzour site, which was destroyed by Israeli warplanes in 2007, but was believed to have been capable of producing plutonium for possible use in nuclear weapons. Since 2008, the IAEA has been frustrated in repeated attempts to follow up on further evidence regarding the site, which is believed to have been under construction with help from North Korea.

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