Women are warned of the dangers of white rice

DIETS which predominantly include white rice may lead to a greater risk of diabetes – with women more at risk than men.

Researchers in the US found that the chances of developing Type 2 diabetes increased amongst those who regularly consume white rice, and warned people to switch to eating whole-grain, instead of consuming the refined carbohydrates found in white rice.

A review of four studies involving around 350,000 people, carried out by Harvard School of Public Health, compared incidents of diabetes amongst people in China, Japan, Australia and the United States, and indicated that the danger of developing Type 2 diabetes is increased by 10 per cent with each increased serving, with the risk to women significantly more pronounced than with men.

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Dr Si Qun said: “This applies for both Asian and Western cultures, although due to findings suggesting that the more rice eaten the higher the risk, it is thought that Asian countries are at a higher risk. We recommend eating whole grains instead of refined carbohydrates such as white rice, which we hope will slow down the global diabetes epidemic.”

Dr Iain Frame, Director of Research at Diabetes UK, said: “No single type of food is directly linked or associated with the development of Type 2 diabetes.

“We already know that a person’s risk of developing Type 2 diabetes is increased by poor lifestyle choices and this is one of the reasons it is important to maintain a healthy weight through being physically active and eating a healthy diet.”