St Paul’s open to the public again as legal action starts

THE doors of St Paul’s Cathedral reopened yesterday after being closed for a week because of anti-capitalist protesters.

The reopening came as City of London Corporation announced legal action will be taken to remove more than 200 tents belonging to the demonstrators, who caused the building to be closed to the public for the first time since the Second World War. A spokesperson for St Paul’s Cathedral said legal action had “regrettably become necessary” as protesters refused to leave the area peacefully.

The Dean’s Verger Charles Williams said he was “very pleased” to reopen the cathedral to the public. Earlier, Prime Minister David Cameron pledged to look at the “broader issue” of demonstrators pitching tents “almost anywhere” they please.

He likened the St Paul’s camp to the tents in London’s Parliament Square, which have been the subject of numerous efforts to remove them.