Scottish street challenge for Apprentice wannabes

THE business brains in The Apprentice don fancy dress and head to Scotland in tonight’s episode, as they attempt to muscle in on the booming street food scene.

The candidates are sent to Edinburgh by Lord Sugar, who warns them he does not want “any junk served up” and gives them two days to come up with a best-selling product.

But project manager Adam Corbally looks to cut costs, telling his team: “It’s just about profit, isn’t it? It’s not about taste.”

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The 32-year-old market trader from Derbyshire horrifies Lord Suger’s sidekick, Nick Hewer, with his approach, which he describes as “cheap, cheap, cheap”.

The other team, led by Jenna Whittingham, decides to sell gourmet Scottish meals, but struggles to find customers.

Corbally’s team jump on a bus tour to try to drum up trade, with 26-year-old Katie Wright dressed up as a slice of pizza.

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