Rollercoasters can damage your hearing, say doctors

THRILL-SEEKERS risk injuring their ears on high-speed rollercoasters, doctors claim.

Doctors in the United States have linked a common ear injury to forces experienced on the adrenalin-pumping rides.

The condition, called barotrauma, is caused by rapid changes in air pressure and is normally associated with flying, scuba diving and the effects of explosions. It can lead to temporary hearing loss, dizziness and painful swelling in the ear.

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Barotrauma can be avoided by yawning or chewing gum to equalise pressure on both sides of the eardrum. But this is difficult to do while soaring and diving on a fast-moving roller coaster, the researchers note: "As rollercoasters continue to push the envelope of speed, otolaryngologists (ear specialists] need to be aware of this new cause of barotrauma to the ear," said Dr Kathleen Yaremchuk in Detroit.

"Based on our research, we recommend that passengers remain facing forwards for the duration of the ride to not let the full impact of acceleration hit the ear."

The research, presented at the Triological Society's annual meeting in Las Vegas, centred on a 24-year-old man who developed serious pain in his right ear after riding on a rollercoaster.

He was speaking to his girlfriend as the car began to speed up. With his head turned to the left, his right ear was fully exposed to the pressure wave generated by accelerating to 120mph in just four seconds.