David Cameron warned that pushing through gay marriage could harm Tory re-election

DAVID Cameron has been warned that pushing through gay marriage could kill off his chances of winning power again after a new poll suggested that a third of Tory voters might desert the party over the issue.

DAVID Cameron has been warned that pushing through gay marriage could kill off his chances of winning power again after a new poll suggested that a third of Tory voters might desert the party over the issue.

The ComRes poll of more than 2,000 people showed that 34 per cent were less likely to vote Tory if gay marriage was enacted while just four per cent were more likely to vote Conservative. It also revealed that 62 per cent are against redefining marriage.

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The poll was taken across the UK although legislation for gay marriages devolved to Holyrood and is being supported by the SNP Scottish Government.

The issue has proven to be the biggest source of concern for Tory party chairmen who have warned that they are losing hundreds of members because of the government’s determination to pass it.

The poll also goes against the conclusions of an article by Chancellor George Osborne, who is also in charge of the party’s campaign machine, where he drew on President Obama’s victory in the USA to suggest that supporting issues like gay marriage would boost party support.

Colin Hart, the Campaign Director of the Coalition for Marriage, the campaign group which represents organisations and churches against redefining marriage, said: “This poll is the latest blow to a profoundly undemocratic plan that day by day is falling apart before our eyes.

“It is unpopular with voters who have never been able to cast a vote on the issue and is costing the Conservative Party votes. As Andrew Hawkins head of ComRes says, this policy could cost the Tories millions votes and scores of seats at the next general election.

“Given the weight of polling data on this issue, the biggest Government consultation in recent years and a 600,000 strong petition opposing the redefinition of marriage, it is astonishing that the PM’s right hand man, Chancellor George Osborne has tried to put this policy at the heart of the Tory’s election strategy.”